Your Customers Need Our STACK. Here’s Why!

Many businesses probably approach you with one specific need, whether it’s faster internet, a collaboration app, or a network management upgrade. The fast and easy route might be to sell them exactly that: one tool, product, or service – and done. But this doesn’t benefit you from a sales perspective, nor does it help your customers make the most of their existing technology. 

Your customers need the complete communications stack in order to maximize their technology investments as a whole. Here’s how you can approach the conversation – one piece of the stack at a time. 

The Network Access Layer

Let’s say a customer wants to migrate their phone system to VoIP. Great idea to ditch that legacy phone system, right? It’s a smart business decision given the customer has the reliable connectivity and high bandwidth to support running voice communications through their internet connection. To maximize the effectiveness of VoIP, your customer needs to make sure the network access layer is accounted for as well. 

The Overlay Services Layer

Another type of customer might know they need to invest in their network. This is always a good idea, but high-speed connectivity is only as useful as the tools and applications that connection supports. Selling them the complete stack allows them to capitalize on their investment in a better network and prevents them from wasting money and time. The management layer lifts the burden of monitoring and maintaining their network, communications, cloud, and other solutions so they can focus on business growth.

The Management Layer

Customers that know the benefit of network and overlay technologies, but they often need to be educated on why management services tie all of their technology investments together. Take SD-WAN, for example, which used to typically be implemented as a DIY solution. If it were truly plug-and-play, any business with network management challenges would want it. Businesses are often disappointed to learn that managing, maintaining, and supporting an SD-WAN solution can be a full-time job. Those businesses need to be aware that there are managed solutions available to simplify their lives.

To stay competitive, businesses need to make investments in communications technology. When you sell your customers the complete communications stack, you give them access to the technologies they need along with the management services that will help them maximize the usefulness of their solutions. NHC delivers a single path to all complex technologies on a single invoice, managed through a single pane of glass, and with streamlined 100% stateside support. Contact us to get started selling the communications stack. Your customers will thank you.