UCaaS & Collaboration

People communicate much differently today than in the past. It’s not that people text instead of call, or message through a collaboration app instead of emailing — it’s that they do all of these things, all the time. Unified communications as a service (UCaaS) corralls all of these different methods, so communicating helps productivity instead of adding chaos.

Voice is a major component of the Communications Stack, and Overlay services such as VoIP let your customers get the most out of voice calling with enhanced call routing, built-in quality of service (QoS), and other benefits.
Contact Center

While we are on the subject of voice calls, the cloud can help propel your customer’s contact center to amazing heights. Customer experience is the gold standard in today’s business because customers have nearly unlimited choices and access to information. Help your customers enhance their customer’s journey with cloud contact center solutions, and they’ll understand the value of the Communications Stack first-hand.

Also a component of the Managed Solutions layer of the Communications Stack, SD-WAN is part of the Overlay that helps businesses with multiple locations streamline and enhance network connectivity.

Our Communication Stack incorporates managed firewall solutions, so customers can benefit from a strong first line of defense in their networks.

Modern security requires businesses to peek beyond the perimeter to see who snuck in. This is not an example of giving up or giving in to the inevitable, it is a smart strategy that realizes that modern security is nuanced and complex. From monitoring to advanced threat detection, managed security looks inside and out, all the time, to make sure that your customers are protected.
Cloud Disaster Recovery

Just in case you think we missed anything cloud-related, rest assured that the Communications Stack helps your customers leverage any cloud-based tool, including disaster recovery and backup services. Keep your customers current and protected with the cloud.
Together, these services add richness and capability to your customers’ network performance, while allowing them to focus on their growth – not their IT. Overlay services are a key part of the Communications Stack because they turn technology into solutions. Network and Overlay set the stage; now it’s time to direct the awe-inspiring play.